assessing degrees from british colombia canada
Published on Feb 2, 2024 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

USCIS Essentials: Assessing Degrees from British Columbia, Canada

Overview of Higher Education in British Columbia, Canada

British Columbia (BC), Canada, boasts a robust higher education system marked by diversity and a commitment to maintaining academic excellence. Accrediting agencies play a pivotal role in upholding educational standards in the province.

The Degree Quality Assurance Board (DQAB) is instrumental in ensuring that degree programs offered by BC institutions meet rigorous quality and academic criteria. Additionally, the British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE) promotes BC's post-secondary education on the global stage by facilitating international collaborations and partnerships.

Required Documents for British Columbia Canada Degree Assessment

Required Documents for British Columbia, Canada Degree Assessment


BC's higher education system offers a broad spectrum of degree structures to cater to various academic interests and career goals. These include:

  • Bachelor's Degrees: Traditional four-year programs that provide students with a strong foundational education in their chosen fields.
  • Honours Bachelor's Degrees: Some programs offer an Honours option, involving additional research or coursework for in-depth specialization.
  • Master's Degrees: Typically spanning one to two years, these programs offer both research-based (thesis) and course-based options for specialization.
  • Doctoral Degrees (Ph.D.): Research-intensive programs lasting three to five years, culminating in a dissertation showcasing original contributions to the field.
  • Professional Degrees: BC universities offer professional degrees in areas like law, medicine, dentistry, and engineering, each with specific admission requirements and program durations.
  • Diplomas and Certificates: Provided by colleges and technical institutes, these programs focus on practical skills and can often be completed more quickly than a full degree.
  • Transfer Programs: BC encourages credit transfers between institutions, allowing students to switch programs or institutions more easily.

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Evaluating Degrees from British Columbia

Evaluating degrees from British Columbia is generally straightforward due to its resemblance to the US three-tier degree structure. Nonetheless, MotaWord's expert evaluators are ready to assist immigration attorneys in obtaining accurate academic evaluations for degrees from British Columbia, ensuring precision. Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees from British Columbia are typically equivalent to their US counterparts, as are Professional degrees. College Diplomas awarded after the completion of two-year post-secondary programs are equivalent to US Associate's degrees, while one-year College Certificates are equivalent to a year of undergraduate coursework in the US. However, it's important to note that Professional certifications like the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia are not considered academic credentials and do not have academic equivalency in the US.


British Columbia's higher education system is globally recognized for its diversity and academic excellence. It offers a wide range of degree programs, including Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral options, as well as diplomas, certificates, and transfer opportunities. Accrediting bodies like the Degree Quality Assurance Board (DQAB) and the British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE) ensure rigorous standards are maintained. For immigration attorneys working with clients holding British Columbia degrees, MotaWord's evaluation services are indispensable. We guarantee precise equivalency assessments, assisting attorneys in meeting USCIS standards and simplifying the immigration application process.


Published on Feb 2, 2024

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