filipino degree assesment
Published on Jan 22, 2024 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

Navigating the Path to US Immigration: Understanding Filipino Degrees


In the ever-changing landscape of U.S. immigration, the accurate evaluation of academic credentials holds a pivotal role, particularly for individuals with Filipino diplomas. The nuances stemming from the differences between the Filipino and American educational systems make it essential to comprehend and translate these qualifications effectively. Immigration lawyers play a crucial role in guiding applicants through this intricate process, ensuring their academic achievements are properly assessed and recognized by the U.S. immigration authorities. This blog post sheds light on the intricacies of Filipino degrees, delves into USCIS requirements specific to these qualifications, and underscores the indispensable role of immigration lawyers in securing successful outcomes for their clients.

Understanding Filipino Degrees

The Philippine higher education system offers a diverse array of institutions and programs, mirroring the United States' structure, providing opportunities for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Admission is primarily based on high school graduation and additional institutional prerequisites, with a competitive educational landscape.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) oversees and regulates these institutions, ensuring educational quality. Similarly to the US, voluntary accreditation exists to ensure and bolster the credibility of universities and colleges. For example, the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU) is a highly respected private accrediting agency in the Philippines, renowned for its commitment to maintaining high-quality standards and accrediting educational institutions. On the other hand, the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP) serves as an overarching organization that coordinates accreditation activities across various agencies in the country, setting standards and guidelines for accreditation processes.Together, these agencies play a vital role in maintaining educational excellence in the country.

Post-secondary degrees in the Philippines, including 1-year Certificates, two-year Associate degrees, and longer programs, align with their U.S. counterparts, with specific coursework mandated by CHED. Master's and doctoral degrees adhere to a structure similar to U.S. standards, requiring coursework, theses, oral exams, and dissertation defenses.

How to Evaluate Degrees from the Philippines

Because the Philippines higher education system is so similar to the US, the evaluation process is rather straightforward with Filipino degrees being equivalent to their US counterparts. Still, it is important to make sure that the Filipino school is accredited and recognized by reliable authorities such as CHED, PAASCU, and FAAP. The language of instruction for most post-secondary institutions in the Philippines is English and typically diplomas are in English or are bilingual, meaning that certified translations are usually not required.

Required Documents for Filipino Degree Assessment

Required Documents for Filipino Degree Assessment


One key distinction between education in the US and the Philippines is that primary and secondary education in the Philippines is only 10 years as opposed to the 12-year system in the US. This has led USCIS to cast doubt on the equivalency of Bachelor’s degrees from the Philippines, since the level of pre-university study in the Philippines is lower than the US. Nonetheless, expert evaluators and the authors of the EDGE database support the position that Bachelor’s degrees from the Philippines are and should be considered equivalent to US Bachelor’s degrees. An Academic Evaluation from MotaWord’s reliable experts can help ensure that USCIS doesn’t question the US equivalency of a Filipino degree.

USCIS Requirements for Academic Credentials

Navigating USCIS requirements for degrees from the Philippines involves addressing several critical factors, and MotaWord can play a key role in managing these aspects effectively. Many universities in the Philippines offer diplomas and transcripts in English, eliminating the need for translations. However, for documents not in English, precise translation into English is essential, often requiring certified translations for accuracy. MotaWord's trusted certified translation service ensures professional translations that meet USCIS standards. Additionally, the accreditation status of Philippine educational institutions holds significance, and our expertise in credential evaluation can aid in assessing the standing of these institutions.

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Benefits for Immigration Attorneys

Attorneys who work with MotaWord to secure academic evaluations for degrees from the Philippines can benefit in several ways:

  • Streamlined Process: Partnering with MotaWord streamlines the academic evaluation process, saving lawyers valuable time and effort. Our efficient workflow and technology-driven platform expedite the evaluation of academic documents.
  • Expertise in Foreign Degree Evaluation: MotaWord specializes in evaluating foreign academic credentials, including those from the Philippines. Their team of expert evaluators understands the intricacies of the Philippine education system, institutional accreditation and recognition, degree equivalencies, and documentation requirements, ensuring accurate evaluations.
  • Compliance with USCIS Requirements: Lawyers can rely on MotaWord to ensure compliance with USCIS requirements and regulations. Our expertise in foreign credential evaluation ensures that Philippine degrees align with U.S. standards and legal criteria, reducing the risk of application rejections or delays.


In the Philippines, higher education follows a structure akin to the United States, offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. However some differences in the primary/secondary education system of the Philippines bring extra scrutiny of Filipino degrees from USCIS. Additionally, ensuring the credibility of academic institutions in the Philippines complex accreditation environment requires scrupulous research and expertise. For these reasons, immigration attorneys stand to gain numerous advantages by collaborating with MotaWord to secure academic evaluations for degrees from the Philippines. MotaWord's expertise in evaluating foreign academic credentials streamlines the evaluation process, ensuring compliance with USCIS requirements, and enhancing overall credibility in immigration cases. This partnership allows immigration attorneys to focus on their clients' cases with confidence, knowing that they have a trusted ally in navigating the intricate landscape of academic credential evaluation for Filipino degrees.


Published on Jan 22, 2024

This article was translated by MotaWord Active Machine Translation.

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